MAPLEWOOD, NJ - 2022 Tree Sale!!!    Save the Date! Tree Sale will start 9 am Saturday 11/26/2002.  It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, when you can purchase Beautiful Christmas Trees and Wreaths at the Annual Maplewood Rotary Christmas Tree Fundraiser at Maplewood Town Pool! 
(below flyer will be updated soon). 😊


Not only do you go home with the centerpieces of your Holiday Season, but with the knowledge that you’ve just helped to impact hundreds of people as all funds raised go to support your local charities! 

That feeling is the gift that keeps on giving! 

Weekends Starting 11/27/21 9 am-6 pm

Thursday and  Friday’s nights 6 pm-8 pm

Until Trees are all sold.   

Maplewood Town Pool

187 Boyden Avenue 


ALL proceeds benefit LOCAL charities.

Which tree will you choose!?

The Fraser Fir is known for its pleasant scent, the yellow-green branches of the Fraser fir feature a conical shape with branches that angle slightly upward. The branches of the Fraser fir are also known for being extra sturdy, making this Christmas tree a great option for heavy ornaments, Christmas garland, and holiday decor. Its leaves are needle-like and spiral along the trunk of the tree, giving off a fragrant scent.

The Douglas Fir displays a full pyramid shape with blue or dark green leaves that have one of the richest scents of all the Christmas trees. Leaves of this evergreen are flat, soft and tend to grow in bunches. Fun fact, the Douglas fir makes up nearly half of all Christmas trees grown in the United States.

Please help spread the word and THANK YOU for making this annual festive fundraising tradition such a huge success.
Maplewood Rotary